Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) was a major American modernist artist of the twentieth century. Her art ‘revolutionized’ the way to depict landscape. She freed the ri
gid and traditional way of depicting landscape. Her paintings are an expression of th
e emotions of what she saw.She fell in love with New Mexico, its desertlandscape, its diversify beauty, its raw energy, i
ts simple architectural lines and its soft colors.
Although her artworks count above two thousand pieces,
and even though she is most famous for her oversized flowers paintings, she dedicated much of her work to the stunning ‘land of enchantment’.
In return for these amazing ‘statements’ of New Mexi
co's striking landscape, Abiquiu and its surrounding areas, where she lived are now surnamed “Georgia O’Keeffe Country”.

A well deserved recognition, asit is impossible to mention Santa Fe without talking about O’Keeffe.
The Georgia O’Keeffemuseum is dedicated to here life and her art and exhibitions change three times a year.
Collectors as well as people who are deeply touched by
her art come from all over the world
to see herpaintings and to bask in the experience of being in her paintings.
Lariane Fonseca came from Australia and took a fe
w days to visit the Georgia O’Keeffe Country with me.
This was an amazing experience, and an inspiration for me to have been in the presence of a woman who knew O’Keeffe’s art so well, who was so passionate about her with a beautiful sensitivity.
Lariane, an artist and photographer herself, made this experience exceptional for me. As I often say, my clients are my biggest inspiration! I am so grateful to be in the presence of inspiring and amazing people.
I know these landscapes andhave been around them many times. But being with someone who has such sensitivity to her environment, who is so present in the instant and so touched by the beauty of the land, made me feel as if Georgia’s spirit was with us along these two days. Her spirit was guiding us and creating the most magical moments. We were fascinated and it seemed surreal at times, wondering ourselves if we were in the paintings or in the reality!
Since pictures are worth a thousands words, soI'll let you enjoy Lariane’s picture. (A huge big thank you to her for letting me share her pictures with you.) and Georgia's paintings.

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